
Vox ac30cc2 schematic
Vox ac30cc2 schematic

Pictures of surviving amps, schematics material on components, suppliers and manufacture. JMI Era VOX AC30/6 Normal REV7 - JMI Era VOX AC30/6 Bass REV7.Images of bands using the amp on stage and in the studio. Treble Version, redrawed schematic and more text to be fallow. UPTATE: I would like to bring to your kind attention that the AC30 Chassis and faceplates are available at - UK Based Retailer. us 10 volts, the screen and plate voltage is volts, as shown vox ac30 schematic the red line.VOX AC30C2 SCH Service Manual download, schematics, eeprom, repair info for electronics expert

vox ac30cc2 schematic

  • Vox Diagrams, Schematics and Service Manuals - download for free! Including: vox 847 1980 lah, vox 847 wah lah, vox 1900 phaser, vox 1901 dist, vox 1902 flanger, vox 1903 compressor, vox 1904 wah, vox 1905 chorus, vox ac4 amplifier 1960 schematic, vox ac4 schematic, vox ac10 1 schematic, vox ac10 2 schematic, vox ac10 amplifier 1960 alt schematic, vox ac10 amplifier 1960 alt schematic, vox.
  • Vox produced a cheaper, lesser version of the AC30 when they released this new C2 version.
  • Are you saying that the black and the red wires should come off of pin 2 and pin 8, respectively? This one has the red wire-which I take to be the B+.coming off of pin 2 and the black is one pin 8. Have you checked that externally accessible 1/2 amp fuse? That would be safer than pullng them to check them. IF you have a multimeter/ohmmeter, you can check for continuity across those fuses without removing them. I don't know if these have a cap drain circuit in them or not. DAnger exists even with the amp unplugged fi there is voltage. Pull that rectifier while being careful to take note of the pin location relative to the socket so that you can ascertain whether or not you misoriented that tube in that socket.Īs for which fuse? One might be curious to know your experience before suggesting that you start pulling fuses out of those two positions on the board.right next to some filter caps.

    vox ac30cc2 schematic

    IF that happened, cross your fingers that a fuse saved your PT.

    vox ac30cc2 schematic

    I learned soem years ago that JJ's will go into a lot of sockets in any alignment. +1 with Phil_tre on the possibility of installling that JJ rectiifer incorrectly, izakly.

    Vox ac30cc2 schematic